• 教师
  • 尼娜Kasniunas
  • 尼娜Kasniunas


    尼娜Kasniunas completed her doctorate in political science in 2009 at Loyola University 在芝加哥. Broadly trained in American government, with a specialty in organized interests (also known advocacy organizations or interest groups), Professor Kasniunas regularly teaches courses and writes about organized interests and the policy process. An ongoing research project looks at the role of neighborhood associations in Baltimore 城市. Underlying all of her work is an emphasis on civic engagement and the importance of working at the grass roots with other community members.


    Kasniunas, 尼娜 Therese和Mark J. Rozell.  利益集团和竞选的未来.” In campaign on Cutting Edge, 3rd 版.  Ed. 理查德Semiatin.  华盛顿特区:CQ出版社,即将出版,2015.

    Kasniunas, 尼娜 Therese.  2014.  “连接教室进行协作学习.” The Common Good (A SUNY Plattsburgh Journal on Teaching and 学习ing) 卷. 2, 2014年第1期.

    Kasniunas, 尼娜 Therese.  “堕胎” 科学与政治.  Ed. 布伦特年代. 钢.  加州千橡市:Sage出版社,2014年.

    Kasniunas, 尼娜 Therese和Mark J. Rozell.  利益集团和竞选的未来.” In 2 . campaign on the Cutting Edgend.  Ed. 理查德Semiatin.  华盛顿:CQ出版社,2012.

    Kasniunas, 尼娜 Therese.  “The Case is Submitted: Re-Enactment Theatre and U.S. 最高 法庭口头辩论.” In Teaching Politics Beyond the Book: Film, Texts, and New Media in the Classroom.  Eds. 罗伯特·格洛弗和丹尼尔·塔利亚里纳.  纽约:连续出版社,2012.

    Dixon, Michael Bigelow 以及妮娜·特蕾莎·卡斯尼纳斯.  2011.  “法庭戏剧:重演。 里程碑式的案例:公民课和更多.”  教学剧院 21(2): 5-11.

    玛格丽特·埃利斯. 以及妮娜·特蕾莎·卡斯尼纳斯.  2010.  《同性恋权利:先天还是后天?” In 美国政治中的道德争议,第4期th 版. Eds. 雷蒙德·塔塔洛维奇和拜伦·W. Daynes.  纽约州阿蒙克:M.E. 夏普,2010.

    Kasniunas, 尼娜和Daniel M. 非洲酪脂树.  Campaign Rules: A 50 State Guide to Campaigns and Elections in America.  兰哈姆,医学博士:罗曼 Littlefield出版社,2010.

    Kasniunas, 尼娜 Therese.  《云顶集团》.”  In 媒体权力,媒体政治.  Ed. 马克Rozell.  兰哈姆,医学博士:罗曼 & Littlefied 2008. (在抵达前公布 在云顶集团)

    Kasniunas, 尼娜 Therese和Mark J. Rozell.  利益集团和竞选的未来.” In 2 . campaign on the Cutting Edgend.  Ed. 理查德Semiatin.  华盛顿特区:CQ出版社,2008.  (在抵达前公布 在云顶集团)

    Kasniunas, 尼娜 Therese和Jack E. Rossotti.  乔治·W·布什总统. 布什和司法 克制:包容宗教.”  In 宗教与布什总统任期.  Eds. 马克·罗泽尔和格里夫斯·惠特尼.  纽约:Palgrave MacMillan出版社,2007. 

    会议论文 & 小组参与

    Hosted the workshop, “Teaching Difficult Issues in the Classroom: Strategies We All Can Use” at the 美国政治学协会’s Annual Teaching and 学习ing Conference in Long Beach, CA, February 10-12, 2017.

    Panelist for “Supporting Data-Driven Student Political 学习ing and Engagement during and after an Election Season” at the 东北政治学会 Conference 于2016年11月10日至12日在马萨诸塞州波士顿举行.

    美国的修辞.S. Senators during the 2013 Government Shutdown: Examining Gendered 在推特上的立场差异. 吉纳维芙·基霍和米莉娅·克罗默.  在年度会议上提出 中西部政治科学协会 在芝加哥, IL 4月 16-19, 2015.

    新城市市民:# hacktivistmore.  Presented at the 城市事务协会 annual meeting in Miami, Florida.  4月 9-11, 2015.

    Hosted the workshop, “Using Team Based 学习ing Concepts to Engage Students in Central 课程的概念.”  With Rob Alexander and Andreas Broscheid at the American Political Science Association’s Annual Teaching and 学习ing Conference in Washington DC, January 16-18, 2015.

    The Problems with Problem Solving: Team Based 学习ing in an American Politics Survey 课程.  Presented at the APSA Teaching and 学习ing Conference in Philadelphia, PA, February 7-9, 2014.

    学习ing from our Neighbors: Partnering Students with Neighborhood Associations.  Presented at the 城市事务协会 Conference in San Francisco, CA, 4月 3-6, 2013.

    连接教室进行协作学习.  Presented at the APSA Teaching and 学习ing Conference in Long Beach, CA, February 8-10, 2013.

    Experiencing Mayoral Elections Through Exit Polling: Any Professor Can Design This 课程.  Presented at the 美国政治学协会 Teaching and 学习ing Conference 于2012年2月17日至19日在华盛顿特区举行.

    The Best Bet for a Dollar: An Examination of Maryland 2010 Elections and Candidate 支出.  Written with Dashell Fittry and presented at the Northeastern 政治科学 Association Conference in Philadelphia, PA, November 17-19, 2011.

    The Case is Submitted: Re-Enactment Theatre and U.S. 最高法院口头辩论.  Presented at the 美国政治学协会 Teaching and 学习ing Conference 2011年2月11日至13日在新墨西哥州阿尔伯克基举行.

    The Presidential Administration as an Organized Interest: Exploring the Impact of Statement of Administration Policy on the Legislative Process.  Presented at the 中西部政治科学协会 Conference 在芝加哥, IL, 2009年4月3-6日.

    Going Cyber: Interest Group Usage of the Internet for Membership Appeals.  Presented at the 中西部政治科学协会 Conference 在芝加哥, IL, 2008年4月3-6日.

    The Impact of Interest Group Testimony on Lawmaking in Congress.  Presented at the 中西部政治科学协会 Conference 在芝加哥, IL, 2007年4月12-15日.

    The Influence of Interest Groups on Policymaking in Congress.  Presented at the 美国政治学协会 Conference 在芝加哥, 2007年8月30日至9月2日.

    利益集团有权参加国会听证会.  Presented at the Southern 政治科学 Association Conference in New Orleans, 洛杉矶,2007年1月4日至7日.


    Invited speaker for, “Can Racial Justice Be Supported in a Two Party System?“主持 by the Baltimore Racial Justice Action monthly meeting on July 13, 2017.

    Invited speaker for, “Trumped: Where Do We Go From Here?的节目 Racial Justice Action monthly meeting on January 13, 2017.

    Invited speaker to the Montgomery County Young Democrats on what to expect in the primary election and the dynamics shaping the Democratic Party and the 2016 election.  2016年7月19日.






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